Saturday, June 28, 2008

Peace starts with taking the starch out of the kids

I just do not believe that Greens care about free speech or the rights of individuals as they espouse. The kind of policies they propose are usually brutally finite in their conclusions and are designed to be end resolutions. They also have collected many of the liberal positions and written them out as fascist dogma. Can I still want those things? Statements of position are so far what they do most. And those statements are leftish sounding but usually closed to any other opinion once accepted. They are cultish in the way they seek to have a universal governance over individuals inner convictions on so many issues.

The front where they are making the most effort is in public education. They advocate "anger management" be used on children of every age. They would have all children who are upset taught that it is not an acceptable response to show anger. The child who can not speak in a calm soft voice when they are at school needs to be placed in seclusion and practice breathing and counting exercises until they can "control themselves."

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