Friday, July 18, 2008

Green's Find Unemployed Black Woman To Head Ticket

Cynthia Mckinney was last seen in a slap down with a White House Security guard who doesn't place much faith in his ability to remember faces. While I was feeling some sympathy when I discovered the old story on the internet recently, her position in this election is obviously to be an alternative of the same color as the the likely Democratic candidate. The little siphoning drain on what makes the candidate stand out. The 3rd party prospect can say, I voted for a better African American candidate when they subtract their vote from the Democrats.

As far as her actual character while in Congress. She wrote graphic poetry at one point to decry the influence of the "oil industry" on populations around the world. She outright damned the oil itself for causing all the suffering of the people in say, Africa, who are engaged in civil strife. The conflicts are over control of the oil revenues and it is the presence of all the wealth that that represents for whoever has the oil that is motivating the bloodshed. But she puts all the blame for the atrocities  on the oil companies for attempting to bring the oil into the marketplace. Why can't someone discuss the pirates who steal the gas? The oil companies aren't in favor of having their gas ripped off. The governments in those countries are corrupted by the criminals who steal the resource to sell on the black market and the governments are too weak to make them stop. The citizens are caught in the middle and nothing works very well anywhere because of all the disruption of conflict from this power struggle. People who are worried about oil's evil influence on politics usually are not specific at all. They don't even have to mention a country. Just oil. They would rather the only ones with oil be the ones who get it from pirates.   

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