Saturday, June 28, 2008

Black is beautiful

Nader has opened his stalking campaign with a racial bomb, honed to be confusing and demoralizing to anyone who is pleased to have a black candidate this far along in the quest for the presidency. Because he has staked his (Nader) position from the left, the charge is that "he isn't enough of a radical." A nice piece of "have you stopped beating your wife yet?" style rhetoric. 'He is a radical' for the right and 'He is a sell-out' for the left.'

Nader's supporters claim to have a loose coalition of the varied leftist causes behind Nader the Greens being prominent. I consider him to be primarily a Green since he began as the first major figure to head a Green ticket. Besides observations of Nader's 2008 run at confusing the electorate I will also look at Green policy wonking and the Green agenda.

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