Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ralph would like to change the way the world eats

In the interview with Amy Goodman on the day of Tim Russert's burial Nader staked out his position on the "world food crisis." It was a three point program. First, we do not need ethanol. It is wasted space that should be barley, wheat, or soy. Then we need to stop all this trade for food. Food should be grown in the states where it is consumed.

But most important it is a crime against humanity not to prevent all the food lost in third world countries to insects, rodents, and improper storage. The United States could be a humanitarian superpower if we did this.

He managed to get a little plug in for McCain when he denounced corn ethanol subsidies by noting that McCain has been 'quite critical' of Obama for his position and then places the notion in the listener to watch McCain for more of these criticisms by ending with the statement: "I don't know what his latest position is."

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