Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ron Paul Is His Own Conspiracy

Why is Ron Paul so worried about peace in Iraq and the possibility of a police state? Why is he hanging out on all the wrong internet spaces?

It is a very weird conspiracy that he and his side-kicks are peddling, and they have white supremacists and 9/11 truth people, and a socialist group on their team. This is a theory based on a look at his socialist connection. I bumped into him on a news site where he was a featured article supplier.

There is a piece of propaganda going around that proposes that people should take up weapons and prepare to fight the police state. It is written by a member of the World Socialist Web Site and member and vice presidential candidate for the Trotskyist - Socialist Equality Party.
What is a Trotskyist? Trotsky was a Marxist with a slightly better public image for trying to run away from the other Marxists. I am not convinced that taking Trotsky's name and sticking it on your socialist group is going to make you all nice fellows. The one good commie. They have a whole party of them now.

His messed up article is about how you and everyone else should be expecting the military to crack down with full force on the public any day now because the government has seen fit to put full time active duty regiments to work on the border and national defense issues inside of the United States borders. I used to wish the army would sweep my crack infested neighborhood and make the place nice.

In other news - I saw a video of Cynthia McKinney talking in front of "many television cameras" about some weird story a guy could only tell his mother because he signed a secrecy agreement. She gives secret sources in the red cross as her proof of its truthfulness. A guy had to process 5,000 corpses and the "data" was put into a pentagon computer. The bodies all had a single gunshot to the head "she pointed at her head" and were dumped in a swamp. She said they were all prisoners, and had something to do with Katrina. That sounds like propaganda. Really bad, and barely believable, propaganda.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Internet Anthill And The Smallness Of Minds

Breaking through as a voice on this vehicle is the result of being media savvy. Having an intelligent point of view and persistence. I am just making this shit up. The internet is an anthill, we are all but tiny vessels, crawling about trying to be seen. When we are it is often by a toad. A toad with a high opinion of himself who wants you to continue to toil in obscurity because he sees your clear, intelligent writing, as morally corrupt. Something stupid that is there to get the author attention. So he posts a comment.

Being a quality reader is more important than being a quality writer in this form of communication. An intelligent reader can interpret information that is brought through carefully deciphering whatever manner the information is presented in. It does not work in reverse. A fool gains no wisdom from reading it.

The anthill has a vastly disparate population in terms of the innate qualities the ants possess. There are cultural differences and personal choices that impact a person's judgment. Personal choices are glorified and demonized in a way that presents a cultural bind. Do not judge people because of their personal choices/ It is just a personal choice. This is a reasonable person's tempered view of prejudice: it is also a reduction to a dispassionate and un-thrilling point of view. To be fair you must care less, could be the logical summation of this bind we are repeatedly exposed to by the toads who lurk in the anthill.

William F Buckley advocated literacy exams for the right to vote. He made the assertion that people who had the capacity to think reasonably made the best citizens. The issue that this conflicts with is equality. It does not eliminate the truth of the distinction about quality of intellects. The right to speak and voice one's opinion on the internet is seen now as a universal right. It is prejudice that threatens our freedom and happiness. There is a huge bind in these thoughts. Everywhere I go in the anthill there are warnings against prejudice and slander. I want to complain about someone, and I worry, if I will be considered abusive for making my comment. I look at other people's work, and so much of it is comforting and sort of contented looking. No one is ever insulted, or spoken of in anyway, but gentle loving acceptance. It fills me with horror because of it's unreal appearance.

The anthill is sectioned and parsed everywhere. The specific criteria set by the management must be adhered to to maintain order and make the anthill a pleasant place to be. Learn the rules and have the rules in your thoughts as you operate within the system. The toads of course understand the rules with their toad minds. They spend useful energy enforcing the rules in the manner a toad understands them to be meant. I am becoming accustomed to complaints about the rules and fairness if I should ever make a point.

I hope the myth of a polarized political spectrum is somehow overcome. Politics have been divided along left and right and most people would not even know what the symbolism means. They would not know that it was symbolism. They do however believe that left and right are reality and they mean something that determines a person's value and values. The symbols of left and right occurred during the French Revolution when seating in a fractious meeting to establish a government placed liberals on the left and conservatives on the right.

The shallowness and disunity of practically everyone in this left/right polarization is banality in surreal proportions. Could they name a conservative? Could they name a liberal? How deeply could they hold any conversation on political theory? Neither side appears to have any sort of literacy requirement in its plans. They follow politics as though it were a sporting event and they are on a team. They do not need to understand politics because they are interested in other things. They know that the other team is stupid. They would screw things up and make life harder for them. What more do you need to know?

Or maybe they are political junkies. They watch the news all the time and have opinions about all the issues that are based on watching everything they have the opportunity to access in the hours of the day. They have a vast knowledge of history and can write intelligently and vote. This is a better situation but alas the person could still be wrong or too narrow to allow another to have their own opinion. Practicing free speech and expression is hard for anyone who cares about anything. It is easy for Larry Flynt. Free speech is protected by our acceptance of the brutality of sexual exploitation. Do not try to take away our free speech by passing laws to punish abusive pornographers. Do not make value judgments about the influence that seeing an artistic expression of someone being abused will cause in a viewer. Arguing that seeing these things will cause someone to go out and do it is a false assumption. A ban on the image would not be able to protect speech because Shakespeare would be included as a depiction of these same acts and the laws would be unworkable. I do not want anyone telling me what I can think about.

Obscenity has been given over to communities in our system. That means that a community can allow it or ban it through democratic means on a local level. That is probably where it will stay. People who argue for more permissiveness advocate cruelty that is allowed in countries where life is cheap. They are good suspects for anyone wishing to expose persons who are exploiting minors for sex. People who want to enforce standards of sexual propriety on everyone in society do exist. They are usually well represented in a person's life as mothers and fathers. If someone should get past that obstacle and have independence in those matters he/she will have to avoid commitments with partners who will impose some variation of the order upon them again. They can get out their frustration writing about sexual freedom and fairness.

There is a very narrow opening at the peak of the anthill. It is the goal of every ant who wishes to be seen to stand on the tip and be heard. Everyone has his own hill. It is a technological conundrum to have everyone speak and everyone hear. The toads are helping to suppress the rational ants by croaking foul when they provide different views or wish to make a person accountable with new and unproven accusations at a personal level.

Whoo Whoo Convention '68

The greens are outside the convention getting rowdy and radical. They are in an obstreperous disposition and have gone as far as shouting obscenities at a wimpy Fox reporter who tried to interview during an angry stomp to a different locale outside the convention.

Cynthia McKinney was in the vicinity after speaking to the crowd of bitter youths. I will be looking for excerpts of the speech.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Green's Find Unemployed Black Woman To Head Ticket

Cynthia Mckinney was last seen in a slap down with a White House Security guard who doesn't place much faith in his ability to remember faces. While I was feeling some sympathy when I discovered the old story on the internet recently, her position in this election is obviously to be an alternative of the same color as the the likely Democratic candidate. The little siphoning drain on what makes the candidate stand out. The 3rd party prospect can say, I voted for a better African American candidate when they subtract their vote from the Democrats.

As far as her actual character while in Congress. She wrote graphic poetry at one point to decry the influence of the "oil industry" on populations around the world. She outright damned the oil itself for causing all the suffering of the people in say, Africa, who are engaged in civil strife. The conflicts are over control of the oil revenues and it is the presence of all the wealth that that represents for whoever has the oil that is motivating the bloodshed. But she puts all the blame for the atrocities  on the oil companies for attempting to bring the oil into the marketplace. Why can't someone discuss the pirates who steal the gas? The oil companies aren't in favor of having their gas ripped off. The governments in those countries are corrupted by the criminals who steal the resource to sell on the black market and the governments are too weak to make them stop. The citizens are caught in the middle and nothing works very well anywhere because of all the disruption of conflict from this power struggle. People who are worried about oil's evil influence on politics usually are not specific at all. They don't even have to mention a country. Just oil. They would rather the only ones with oil be the ones who get it from pirates.   

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ralph would like to change the way the world eats

In the interview with Amy Goodman on the day of Tim Russert's burial Nader staked out his position on the "world food crisis." It was a three point program. First, we do not need ethanol. It is wasted space that should be barley, wheat, or soy. Then we need to stop all this trade for food. Food should be grown in the states where it is consumed.

But most important it is a crime against humanity not to prevent all the food lost in third world countries to insects, rodents, and improper storage. The United States could be a humanitarian superpower if we did this.

He managed to get a little plug in for McCain when he denounced corn ethanol subsidies by noting that McCain has been 'quite critical' of Obama for his position and then places the notion in the listener to watch McCain for more of these criticisms by ending with the statement: "I don't know what his latest position is."

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Full-time citizen

Since I have decided to "react" to Ralph's positioning I am beginning to delve into some research on a little perceived footnote character, my relationship to the guy.

He franchised some political think tank operations at colleges in 23 states. They call them P.I.R.G. (public interest research groups) and they are fully operated by the students who pay for and work independantly from anything Nader. He takes the credit for "these" campus advocates valuable contributions. My quotation marks around 'these' were meant to say, the other successful campus advocates get to take the credit or dispense it to some other benefactor, founder.

Peace starts with taking the starch out of the kids

I just do not believe that Greens care about free speech or the rights of individuals as they espouse. The kind of policies they propose are usually brutally finite in their conclusions and are designed to be end resolutions. They also have collected many of the liberal positions and written them out as fascist dogma. Can I still want those things? Statements of position are so far what they do most. And those statements are leftish sounding but usually closed to any other opinion once accepted. They are cultish in the way they seek to have a universal governance over individuals inner convictions on so many issues.

The front where they are making the most effort is in public education. They advocate "anger management" be used on children of every age. They would have all children who are upset taught that it is not an acceptable response to show anger. The child who can not speak in a calm soft voice when they are at school needs to be placed in seclusion and practice breathing and counting exercises until they can "control themselves."

Black is beautiful

Nader has opened his stalking campaign with a racial bomb, honed to be confusing and demoralizing to anyone who is pleased to have a black candidate this far along in the quest for the presidency. Because he has staked his (Nader) position from the left, the charge is that "he isn't enough of a radical." A nice piece of "have you stopped beating your wife yet?" style rhetoric. 'He is a radical' for the right and 'He is a sell-out' for the left.'

Nader's supporters claim to have a loose coalition of the varied leftist causes behind Nader the Greens being prominent. I consider him to be primarily a Green since he began as the first major figure to head a Green ticket. Besides observations of Nader's 2008 run at confusing the electorate I will also look at Green policy wonking and the Green agenda.